While studying for my EMT test I thought it might help me relax a little if I had a bit of Bourbon. Well, a bit might be an understatement, now I cannot recall if I fell going up or down the steps, or if I really saw a polar bear or a Great Pyrenees dog. What I do know is I am having hip and lower back pain, when I woke up “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” was blaring. I assume the loud music is responsible for my headache. I assume water and headache medicine will help, but can you help with an adjustment?
Please help!
EMT B(bourbon) in Climax Springs
Dear EMT- Bourbon,
I am not an advocate for excessive drinking. I am an advocate for informed patients! It is clear you made a simple mistake when choosing the appropriate study aid.
• A study published in the Journal of Consciousness and Cognition explored this phenomenon, finding that participants who consumed a pint of beer performed better on a creative problem-solving task (like finding common connections between seemingly unrelated words) compared to those who drank a non-alcoholic version.
• The research suggested that alcohol may loosen focus, allowing for spontaneous insight and "Aha!" moments, aiding in creative problem-solving.
• A study by the University of Exeter found that drinking alcohol improved the recall of information learned earlier in the study, with those who drank more alcohol recalling more words than the sober participants.
We can discuss your choices at your appointment. No need to bring in your Bourbon for evaluation.
Always here for you,
Dr. Aaron
If EMT-B = bourbon, what does EMT-P =?
